If you think SKF is the world leader in rolling bearings,then you are right.Our high quality bearings have made us one of the most respected brands in the industrial world. But this is a limited picture of us. There are many other exciting dimensions to today’s SKF. We have step by step evolved into a genuine knowledge engineering company. To strengthen this process, we have identified five different platforms that cover our technical knowledge and capabilities: Bearings and units, Seals, Mechatronics, Lubrication systems and Services.
SKF’s Engineering & Research Centre assesses, acquires and develops new technologies, product concepts and knowledge to enable the creation of new value propositions for SKF-customers and to improve SKF’s products and services. SKF is a Six Sigma company and you will be involved in supporting R&D projects, in a (Master) Black Belt capacity, throughout project development and execution phases. Co-ordination of Green Belt training courses and mentoring of Green Belts is another requirement.
We sell various types of SKF bearings, if there is need,please contact us at