Below listed are some FAG bearings we have in stock now,please contact us if you are in need of these bearings.

SL182928                                       140 190 30

SL183028                                       140 210 53

SL182228                                       140 250 68

SL182930                                       150 210 36

SL183030                                       150 225 56

SL182230                                       150 270 73

SL182932                                       160 220 36

SL183032                                       160 240 60

SL182232                                       160 290 80

SL182934                                       170 230 36

SL183034                                       170 260 67

SL182234                                       170 310 86

SL182936                                       180 250 42

SL183036                                       180 280 74

SL182236                                       180 320 86

SL182938                                       190 260 42

SL183038                                       190 290 75

SL182238                                       190 340 92

SL181840                                       200 250 24

SL182940                                       200 280 48

SL183040                                       200 310 82

SL182240                                       200 360 98

SL181844                                       220 270 24

SL182944                                       220 300 48

SL183044                                       220 340 90

SL181848-E                                   240 300 28

SL182948                                       240 320 48

SL183048                                       240 360 92

SL181852-E                                   260 320 28

SL182952                                       260 360 60

SL183052                                      260 400 104

SL181856-E                                   280 350 33

SL182956                                      280 380 60

SL183056                                      280 420 106

If you want to know more infomations about the above listed bearings,please contact us without hesitate.We will reply you in the first time and provide first class service to you.
